Sharepoint Personal MySite Quota Limit Reached



The default personal MySite storage limit in Sharepoint 2010 is 100 MB with warning email sent after 80 MB. A user exceeded the default MySite storage limit of 100 MB. When changing his Mysite permissions user got the following error:

Your changes could not be saved because the SharePoint web site has exceeded the storage quota limit.
You must save your work to another location. contact your administrator to change the quota limits for the web site.
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Date and Time:

SharePoint User’s Personal MySite Storage limit reached Error


I increased the Quota limit of personal MySites to 250 MB with Warning email notification to user at 200 MB. The new quota  template was applied to user’s Mysite.

Resolution that was followed:
1. To update Quota Template limit, go to SharePoint Central  Administration website
2. Click on Application Management > Specify Quota Template (under Site Collection section)
3. Edit the ‘Personal Site’ Template (that is applied by default to mySites). Enter the limits for maximum storage and warning email under ‘Storage Limit Values’ section
4. Click OK

This only updates the quota Template limit and doesn’t actually apply it to the users’ mysites. Now apply the quota template to Mysites that are having issue using following steps:

1. Go to Central Admin > Application Management
2. Click on ‘Configure quotas and locks’ under Site collection section
3. Select the user’s site collection from the drop down by selecting the Mysite web application and user’s Mysite Site Collection.
4. Under ‘Site Quota Information’ section select the ‘Personal Quota’. Make sure it shows the updated limits (grayed out).
5. Click Ok

That single user’s Mysite has the updated quota applied to it. The other Mysites of users will still have the previous 100 MB limit until you apply the quota template on those MySites again.


  • SharePoint mysite
  • SharePoint mysite quota
  • check storage quota sharepoint mysite
  • SharePoint MySite Quota limit
  • MySite Quota limit
  • MySite Storage Quota limit
  • SharePoint MySite storage Quota

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