Recently I had a strange issue in my MSPS environment. MS Project Professional was giving the following 9346 error to all of its users including administrators. The error was popping up after launching MS Project Professional.
An error occurred in the Project Server.
Project Server encountered a problem with this error code: 9346. Please contact your server administrator.
During that time, PWA was working fine on most pages except PROJECTS and RESORUCES pages. Those links were bouncing back to PWA homepage.
My initial thoughts were it is an issue in Enterprise Global Template. I tried to restore it & got the same error. I found one similar KB article, but that wasn’t helpful in our case.
On investigation, we found a duplicate table in the database MSP_Projects. The name of table was same, but it was owned by MSProjServerUser – the configuration account instead of dbo. Renaming the table resolved the issue.
We didn’t have tracing enabled on database server. So we were unable to find out what caused this issue.